motionball is the brainchild of three best friends, who also happen to be brothers. Mark, Sean and Paul
Etherington have been aligned with Special Olympics Canada since childhood when they volunteered at
fundraising events organized by their parents, who co-founded the Sports Celebrities Festival, which has
raised in excess of $25 million for Special Olympics Canada since 1983. Noticing a lack of integration
between supporters and the athletes they support, Mark, Sean and Paul Etherington brought motionball to life.
The motionball mandate is to introduce the next generation of donors, volunteers, and sponsors to the
Special Olympics movement through social and sporting events that integrate young professionals with
Special Olympics athletes. motionball strives to encourage Canadians to come together and raise funds
and awareness to ensure the long-term stability of the Special Olympics in Canada.
Special Olympics Canada, a registered Canadian charity since 1969, is a national organization that has
provided positive, successful experiences through sport for thousands of Canadians with intellectual
disabilities. Through involvement in Special Olympics programs these athletes have benefited physically,
socially and emotionally, and have been offered a stepping stone to community integration and a new
sense of belonging.
The Special Olympics Canada Foundation’s mandate is to build a financial capacity to fully fund the
participation of Special Olympics athletes from across Canada in the recurring cycle of national and world
Digital Pixie would like to thank Jennifer Love and Alyssa Fraser from Duet Public Relations, and Paul Etherington(Chairman and Co-Founder of motionball). All the best and to another successful motionball 2011!